Frequently Asked Questions
This is a common statement that a lot of people regularly say and it even stops them from learning how to for fear of failure. Drawing is a skill that anyone can learn, so long as you can draw a circle, a square and a triangle, you can draw.
Creativity comes from the right side of your brain, not your bones so turn of that negative left brain nonsense and listen to me.
It was only back in the mid 1970’s that scientists came to understand that the brain is two seperate parts held together only by the corpus colosseum (millions of cables that pass information from left to right and vice versa). They also discovered that each side has seperate functions:
The left side is your analytical, logical, verbal side. It is where words and symbols and your ego come from.
The right side of the brain is your creative, intuitive, visual side. It’s our happy place. There are no words there, only peace
You now have a tool that will help you to turn off stress, sleep better and feel more confident. Using more of your right brain will find you admiring more beauty in the world, more beauty within ourselves and our neighbours. It has also even been scientifically proven to improve your golf handicap.